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Showing posts from 2017

Schooling in India

When I think about School in India it obviously go to private school. Over decades schooling has been described as one source for getting settled to a Job. Now-a-days a new concept called Preschool came in for 2 year old baby. No one really teaches you for a specific job or business. All were just a qualification which helps you to earn money for living. By doing so we are losing inventors, entrepreneur, professional workers. Most of the money minded business starts from preschool till employers.It all starts with a word called "love in doing" and ends in greedy business.Our nation needs a lot to change in the structure it represents to a reformed one. This will increase the job opportunities, GDP growth,zero tolerance and even demolish Corruption and illiteracy. Schools always play a important role in building a nation.We need to start reforming schools.We don’t need demonetization,black money eradication at the first level. We should teach the younger generati