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How Airlines has moved from profitable business spot to a store place for passengers Airplanes. Series of events that happen till last week on Airline Industries: Covid'19 impact causing all passenger airplanes to be stopped till lockdown is over. This increase salary cut, unemployment for Airline industries.  Airport are merely used only for logistics. Last week Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway has s old the entirety of its equity position in the U.S. airline industry.   How long will it continue? No travel since April and surely this is year already started seeing one of the worst hit in most of the industries. Travel and Tourism is one of the major contributor. Personally people will maintain social distancing for upcoming years which is going to continue hit in airline industries. Everyone previous travel whenever there is a need. Now people will take alternate options to connect virtually. If you have a social distance communication apps then you are on
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Learning from mistakes

Learning from mistakes Whenever we do something wrong we will make oneself to a comfort zone by just checking as it a learning by doing wrong things. There is never such learning in life. We don't know something and not interested to learn the basic and try to pretend to be a expert which leads to mistakes(expected one). If we strictly adhere to basics we won't commit mistakes of course always we learn but the part here is continuous improvement. Making yourself do correct things better than previous.which always lead you to be expertise in any field that you focus. To do so we have to do few mind preparations. Mark what state we are (beginner, intermediate, expert) For beginners check on what are the basic things you need. Learn, think different better ways of doing it. If someone is more of an expert then watch their actions rather than getting advice. Don't learn something without self interest(simply don't do it for money) Justify you

Schooling in India

When I think about School in India it obviously go to private school. Over decades schooling has been described as one source for getting settled to a Job. Now-a-days a new concept called Preschool came in for 2 year old baby. No one really teaches you for a specific job or business. All were just a qualification which helps you to earn money for living. By doing so we are losing inventors, entrepreneur, professional workers. Most of the money minded business starts from preschool till employers.It all starts with a word called "love in doing" and ends in greedy business.Our nation needs a lot to change in the structure it represents to a reformed one. This will increase the job opportunities, GDP growth,zero tolerance and even demolish Corruption and illiteracy. Schools always play a important role in building a nation.We need to start reforming schools.We don’t need demonetization,black money eradication at the first level. We should teach the younger generati

Do what indeed you have to !

It was a usual day with lot of thinking over my part. It is a usual question that arises " Whether I fulfill my part ? " The question has many part. We usually start our day with what we want. Whatever be no one thinks whether the first thing we do is positive or Negative. There is a lot of difference on how we start our day. If we start with a positive task we will gain more positive energy and vice versa. We need to be little more watchful on what we are doing. Even a simple good things we do can give added light to our character. We need to look for the below list of things around us. Look for positive energy around you. Always have a smile  people around you. Try to convert negative things to neutral or positive. Always do anything with positive intend This will help us lot so Do your part what indeed you have to!!


It is really good to dream and make promises to oneself.We all have life which needs some good  nostalgically thinking. Instead being proud of others achievement a person by himself should have a goal to achieve.let it be a short or long term goals, all it need is acceptance and DESIRE. The DESIRE will make your life with the change actually best one you dreamed for.We could see how the world has transformed now.These transformation is a dream and DESIRE of many legends.We may have lost many, those losses or failure give us a good understanding of what we did. Perfection is work is one desire,what he will always looks for.He will do the work to the utmost satisfaction.He won't give up till his last astounding goal of perfection is achieved.Despite of what others sees on us which in most of the cases untrue. We need to look in to us for those desire. Just DO NOT QUIT! until you achieve what you DESIRE for. My life is MY DESIRE TO LIVE.

Premium TASMAC in Shopping Mall

Premium TASMAC in Shopping Mall Today one of the main business that gives profit to both the all time drunkers and Tamil Nadu Government is TASMAC.Government has taking continous improvement activity to establish the Premium TASMAC in Shopping Mall  in Capital city.No one might have dream about it during the revolvation period of Kamaraj or M.G.R.Not even now. Many of us not have lot of thinking why government undertake wine shop.But this might be right decision to have profit that can be implemented in public welfare activity. Many points are there to be considered about this decision We can't stop people from drinking who were addicted.  One of the most profitable business.Why this needs to be given to private? Instead Government can control it and earn lot... Now the shops were closed by 10 PM this avoids nuisence thereby reducing crimes. Many highclass people ready to pay money but not willing to buy in roadside shops will be helpful for them when premium shops

Think about Country

Professionalism in everything is the word that can easily describe the 20th century Politicians..Today the meaning of politics has been changed a lot...Scam,against law,dictatorship are the works carried out by politics... In early 90's people used to watch the real face of politics in movies but now this has been live broadcast....Nowhere common man enjoys all benefits... Only where a person get benefit is during election that to 'VOTE FOR MONEY'.We can't able to stop anything but we can avoid this.Goverment can't take action but we can decide to take action on our own step... First we should have awareness on what is wrong and what we should decide....Don't think in your own  view instead just try to understand the benefit across all class of people... Vote for good or don't try any different ways...This usual thing will happen only until you think in prespective view...Though how many politician you come you just decide the one who wil