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Premium TASMAC in Shopping Mall

Premium TASMAC in Shopping Mall

Today one of the main business that gives profit to both the all time drunkers and Tamil Nadu Government is TASMAC.Government has taking continous improvement activity to establish the Premium TASMAC in Shopping Mall  in Capital city.No one might have dream about it during the revolvation period of Kamaraj or M.G.R.Not even now.

Many of us not have lot of thinking why government undertake wine shop.But this might be right decision to have profit that can be implemented in public welfare activity.

Many points are there to be considered about this decision
  • We can't stop people from drinking who were addicted.
  •  One of the most profitable business.Why this needs to be given to private? Instead Government can control it and earn lot...
  • Now the shops were closed by 10 PM this avoids nuisence thereby reducing crimes.
  • Many highclass people ready to pay money but not willing to buy in roadside shops will be helpful for them when premium shops in TASMAC are opened.
  • More Job oppurtunaties can be created to administer the business.
  • There might be chances of recruiting MBA graduates to develop such business.
  • There should be a age limit checking so that only persons above age 18 can only buy wines.
  • Our thought is it should be properly administered so that profit investement can be made on public welfare activities.
  • These local shops can be improved with cleanliness as first place so that they can be driven by all kind of people.
  • Online shopping can be intorduced so that many who drunk and drive can be avoided.
  • There should be Banners and Videos to advertise the effect of alcoholic drinks and impact on others.


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